How Lisa Got Clarity in Her Swirl of Creative Ideas

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I’m an ideas person. When I was in my first few years of launching my business, it felt like my brain was literally tangled with webs; it was difficult to see where one ended and another began. 

Because of this, I struggled with fear of failure, so much so I was scared into stalling. I knew I was good at a lot of things, but good enough? That, I didn't know.

I tried sorting through a lot on my own, and that just didn't work. I would write down all my ideas but would always get stuck on "what's next" in regards to my vision. I felt like the "business of Lisa" was a convoluted MESS with no real defined direction. Where was my business, The Daughter Diaries meant to go?

I remember sitting in my car after I filed my S Corp. docs. I had just dropped a ton of money, but for what? 

I immediately called Alisa and said she was hired. She refers to sorting through ideas like a bowl of spaghetti - one noodle at a time - and that’s what I knew I needed. 

I was scared to invest even more but I knew that if I didn't, I would regret and waste the moment of opportunity. And that moment that I seized changed the trajectory of my business forever. 

The investment in The Happy Cactus is really the investment in yourself and your future of clarity and confidence.

With Alisa’s guidance, I can't even begin to explain the magnitude of success I've had:

  • The Daughter Diaries in one year doubled in outreach and income

  • I had clarity in who I was, who I was speaking to and how I could truly help my clients

  • My business is now lined with intention, purpose and overwhelming confidence in its identity

  • I launched my first successful crowdfunding campaign

  • My book, The Real Mom’s Playbook, comes out later this year with a goal of reaching over 100,000 women

Alisa took that messy bowl of spaghetti and made each strand a beautiful path for The Daughter Diaries to follow. And for that, I am truly grateful.  

About Lisa 

Clutter kicker, queen of her routine and financially fit mom boss, Lisa Autry is a multi-passionate entrepreneur that helps women and mothers balance the chaos within their lives.

Lisa is founder & CEO of The Daughter Diaries, Inc., where she utilizes her unique skills, education and experiences to guide women on their own intentional transformation towards becoming their best selves.

Whether you desire a tidy home, more time on your hands or stepping into financial freedom, Lisa believes we can have our cake and eat it, too, and attain every aspiration with just a little bit of help, guidance and support.


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